PT. Cakra Adji Gunung OLI-MVE-SV-1 Oli MVE SV series Screen Vibrator ALL PRODUCTS OLI VIBRATOR  wibrater machine vibretor use vibration systems vibrating products vibrating bed motor vibrating bed for adults vibrater with app vibrater price vibra tor viberator use viberator app vibator app vibarator app v ibrator using vibraters use vibrater types of vibrstors types of vibratora types of vibratirs types of vibratiors types of bibrators small vinrator small vibtator small vibrtor small vibratirs small vibratir small vibrating device small viborator small vibarator small bibrators small bibrator satisfyer big remote vibrstor remote vibratoe remote vibratirs remote vibratir remote vibratior remote vibrater remote viborator remote vibe rc vibe mini vibrstor mini viborator different vibraters big vibratir bed vibration machine bed vibration app controlled vibrating adult toy use

Oli MVE SV series Screen Vibrator – vibrator listrik “panjang”, dengan kaki dipasang di ujung bodi. Mereka tersedia dalam versi 4 kutub dengan voltase berbeda, cocok untuk digunakan dengan inverter (penggerak frekuensi variabel) dan gaya centrifugal variabel dari 3.500 hingga 8.000 kg, dapat disesuaikan pada masing-masing model.

PT. Cakra Adji Gunung OLI-MVE-SV-1024x704 Oli MVE SV series Screen Vibrator ALL PRODUCTS OLI VIBRATOR  wibrater machine vibretor use vibration systems vibrating products vibrating bed motor vibrating bed for adults vibrater with app vibrater price vibra tor viberator use viberator app vibator app vibarator app v ibrator using vibraters use vibrater types of vibrstors types of vibratora types of vibratirs types of vibratiors types of bibrators small vinrator small vibtator small vibrtor small vibratirs small vibratir small vibrating device small viborator small vibarator small bibrators small bibrator satisfyer big remote vibrstor remote vibratoe remote vibratirs remote vibratir remote vibratior remote vibrater remote viborator remote vibe rc vibe mini vibrstor mini viborator different vibraters big vibratir bed vibration machine bed vibration app controlled vibrating adult toy use

Oli MVE SV series Screen Vibrator

  • Centrifugal force: 3,500 – 8,000 kg; 4 poles from 220 to 575V
  • Lifetime greasing = Zero maintenance.
  • Windings impregnated under vacuum – with class F insulating materials
  • Optimized design and components for demanding applications.

PT. Cakra Adji Gunung

Distributor dan Agen : Gearbox, Electric Motor, Pompa, Coupling, Rantai, Pulley, Compressor, Bearing, Valve, Blower, Table Top Chain, Cycloidal, Generator. dll.

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